Implant Services

Dental Implants in East London

Dental Implants

Upon removal of a tooth or teeth there are several treatment options to replace the missing tooth/teeth. This includes dentures, bridges as well as implants. Dental implants are placed in the area where a tooth is missing due to extraction, whichever the reason for extraction.


This replaces the root structure of the tooth by placing a dental implant in its place within the jawbone. Implants have very good long-term results and are ideal in areas where a single tooth has been removed, as adjacent teeth does not require any cutting as with bridges.


A dental implant is a titanium post (like a tooth root) that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line. This allows your dentist to mount replacement teeth (implant-crowns) or bridges into that area. An implant is not removable like dentures as it integrates with the bone by a process called osteointegration.

An implant supported denture is a type of over-denture that is supported by and attached to implants. These dentures are usually made for the lower jaw since regular dentures tend to be less stable there. However, you can receive implant supported dentures in either the upper or lower jaw, depending on your situation.

Who can have an implant placed?


Implants can be placed in most individuals, however, in certain cases it may not be possible/recommended. Factors contributing to this include inadequate amount of bone between the oral cavity and sinuses where bone augmentation will also not be sufficient, inadequate density of the jawbone and uncontrollable systemic conditions.

What does the implant placement procedure involve?

  1. Removal of the infected tooth, if not yet done. Thereafter, 2-3x months of bone healing is required before an implant can be placed. In cases where a front tooth has been removed, a temporary partial denture may be constructed. In very few cases, it may be possible to do an immediate implant placement after the tooth has been extracted, however, this is not the standard.

  2. After 2-3x months, a CBCT scan of the bone is done to plan the placement of the implant. This also allows the dentist to determine whether bone augmentation or a sinus lift procedure would be required when the implant is placed.

  3. Before implant placement, you will be anaesthetized in the area where the implant will be placed. The bone is then exposed, and the implant is placed with our surgical unit. This is a very delicate procedure, done with sterile equipment, gloves and gowns to ensure the best infection control protocols to avoid unnecessary post-operative infections.

  4. After the implant has been placed, soft tissue augmentation procedures are performed to close the implant and ensure optimal gum healing. The implant requires 3 months to integrate with the jawbone.

  5. Upon adequate implant and bone integration, the implant can be exposed, an impression is done and sent to the dental lab for the construction of the implant-crown (“implant-tooth”). 1x week later the implant-crown can be placed. It is important to maintain excellent oral health to ensure gums around the implant(s) remain healthy.


Post-operative instructions will be given once the procedure is complete or you can download the PDF version here:

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